Here we go with chemo

wednesday was chemo session #1. Very good news: Buster had an x Ray to check for lung mets and his lungs are still completely clear! Bad news: Buster did not have a great reaction to the sedative he was given for his x Ray. When I picked him up at the end of the day, he’d had the x Ray and the first chemo treatment, and he was very lethargic, unwilling to eat or drink, and seemed almost confused during our very short walks. This continued into Thursday. The vet was very sure that this was a reaction to sedation, not chemo, and they shouldn’t need to sedate him during further chemo treatments. So hopefully this was a one time occurrence. Buster is having 5 treatments of doxorubicin, once every three weeks. A little ironic that the first one seemed rougher than a whole month of radiation, but again, it probably was not the actual chemo that caused this.

buster seemed almost back to normal today and I took him to daycare but picked him up early. He had been doing AWESOME and I have every reason to think he’ll bounce fully back this weekend.

I remain very happy with the decision to go forward with radiation. Buster has been doing better and better, especially over this last week he had been basically back to the old Buster, just on 3 legs.Β 

4 thoughts on “Here we go with chemo”

  1. There’s my cuteness fix!!! Such a precious boy!

    Really hope he can sail through chemo with no side effects. But he can definitely stop if his quality is compromised and he should return to “normal” pretty quickly. I think the doxec. can be a little rough on pills sometimes. And really glad he won’t have to be sedated anymore.

    I know ot thrilled uoj yo kmow he had such a good time at doggy day care! And I’m sure it thrilled him too!!

    Thanks for including another adorable picture of our little Rock Star😁 We adore him!😚😚
    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  2. Thank you! You are right, if it gets too rough we can quit. Hopefully once every 3 wks will be fine. His appetite has definitely been lower but maybe that won’t last long. πŸ™‚

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