Three week checkup

Buster had his recheck today with the radiation oncologist who has been treating him. Good news: he’s cleared for chemo! Buster did great with radiation and had few side effects, and none that seem to put him at risk of worse chemo side effects.

His radiation site never got gross, although over the last week there is sort of a scab a 1 square inch scab that has emerged from under the skin. I know that sounds weird. But there was never much of a surface sore. The scab emerged fully formed from underneath, and there has been a small amount of white skin sloughing off (peeling) like with a sunburn. But not at all serious.

Beyond that, no more side effects this week. Buster has had a little more gastrointestinal distress, but the dr is not convinced that’s a side effect. Either way, Buster did great.

The attached photo is on the drive home from the appointment in leesburg this morning.


Two weeks later…

Two weeks past the end of Buster’s radiation treatments and he is doing great. While he has had some intermittent continuing intestinal upsets, largely manifesting as overnight diarrhea, that’s hasn’t happened in about 4 days now. His energy has never really flagged. And best of all, he has had almost no radiation burn. He developed about a pencil eraser sized sore over the weekend, and now it is basically gone. He’s back in daycare and I am now optimistic he may have been very lucky in not having many radiation side effects.  He will have his checkup with the radiation oncologist next week, and he may then be clear to start chemo. Hoping for continued luck!

One week later…

Almost a week past the end of Buster’s definitive radiation therapy. He’s doing great. There is some redness and a very small sore at the radiation site, but it’s barely anything. Also, last night he had a bit of intestinal issues overnight but I suspect it’s because I gave him a small piece of a quesadilla (how could I not share my quesadilla??). His energy is great and he’s going stir crazy so I’ll probably get him back in daycare on Friday.  Attached photo is Buster at the kenilworth aquatic gardens, a beautiful dc national park this weekend. People treat three legged dogs like puppies, lots of questions and “awws” when I’m walking walking him.