Starting radiation treatment

Buster’s first radiation session was yesterday. It went fine. This dog has been under anesthesia enough times at this point that seeing him slightly woozy after he wakes up makes me sad but doesn’t ruin my day or seemingly his either. The whole appointment ended up taking only an hour and a half. Some days it will take longer if another dog goes before him. They book two for the same two hour window so they can pick who goes first based on how the dogs are doing from the prior day.

I could tell when he was awake in the recovery room because that dog howls like crazy in any type of cage situation. Then I could tell when they fed him because it stopped. Then it started again when he finished his meal.

anyway, no bad effects on day one; it doesn’t even look like they did anything, and I’d say Buster overall probably had a good day because we’re staying on an Airbnb farm near the treatment place. It was godawful hot yesterday but I took him out a few times and he seemed to love it.

1 down, 17 to go!

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